Consulting services

You can rely on our knowledge

Loftleiðir Icelandic brings insights to its clients to ensure they can successfully navigate the complex corporate landscape of modern aviation.

Customer-centric focus

Loftleiðir Icelandic builds on the knowledge and expertise gained over more than 85 years of managing multiple airlines worldwide. 

Our consulting services help our clients adopt a holistic approach to the airline business and gain a customer-centric focus. 

We work in close cooperation with 

and can provide airline pilot training, cabin crew training, and safety training.

Icelandic, but operating globally

We are focused on creating tailormade solutions to aviation needs in all corners of the world. Our diverse projects range from full charter services to aircraft leasing. These projects have taken Loftleiðir Icelandic's aviation expertise and flexible, reliable fleet to various airports across the globe.

Full charter
Full charter
Private jet charter
Private jet charter
AM leasing
Private jet charter
Full charter
globe facade

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Tell us what you're looking for, and one of our team members will be in touch with you.

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